Thursday, March 17, 2011

Renewable Energy Go Green

Hello.  Thanks for coming to my blog.  My name is Dan Harrigan, and I’m environmentally conscious like you.  There’s a lot of talk lately about CLEAN ENERGY and a movement to GO GREEN.  I’ve searched for a long time (even before it was popular) to find a RENEWABLE ENERGY source that wouldn’t harm the planet, and with the exception a few careless or selfish people, that’s what most of us want.
A SOLAR PANEL or WIND POWER is the common thought, but what I found was even better—FREE ENERGY.  Science has several fascinating laws, one of which is polarity or magnets.  It’s invisible, much like a radio wave, and hard to understand, but it is ever-present.  When implemented, it creates perpetual motion that doesn’t require servicing.  There’s an e-book about how to build the generator inexpensively, and then it always runs.  Movement creates the electricity.
I appreciate looking for a way to improve the world.  Together we can make a big difference.  I’ve written several blogs on the topic, and I intend to spread the word.  I hope you will too.  Enjoy the guide.
All the best.
Dan Harrigan